All the benchmarks were conducted using the following hardware/software configuration:
- Dual Core i5 2.53 GHz
- 32 bit Windows OS
- 4 GB RAM
- L3 cache 3.0 MB
- Windows 7 Home Basic
- java version “1.7.0_05″
- Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
- JVM arguments -Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:NewRatio=1
- Clients and server are connected via 100 Mbps LAN
- No server side adaptors (custom code extensions) are set
All computers were connected in the same local network through a 100Mbps LAN.
Private Message Test Light
Each client connects to a zone. It then sends a private message for user with same name as itself. So each message sent will generate a response and notification back to the client. Each client sends at a low rate of 1 message every 10 seconds and receives at a double rate (2 msg/10sec).
CCU: 10000
- In: 1000 msgs/sec
- Out: 2000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 7%
CCU: 20000
- In: 2000 msgs/sec
- Out: 4000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 12%
CCU: 30000
- In: 3000 msgs/sec
- Out: 6000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 20%
CCU: 40000
- In: 4000 msgs/sec
- Out: 8000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 30%
CCU: 50000
- In: 5000 msgs/sec
- Out: 10000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 45%
CCU: 60000
- In: 6000 msgs/sec
- Out: 12000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 60%
CCU: 70000
- In: 7000 msgs/sec
- Out: 14000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 60-70%
CCU: 80000
- In: 8000 msgs/sec
- Out: 16000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 70-85%
Beyond this the server accepts connections at a slow rate.
Private Message Test Medium
Each client connects to a zone. It then sends a private message for user with same name as itself. So each message sent will generate a response and notification back to the client. Each client sends 1 message every 2 seconds and receives at a double rate (1 msg/sec).
New Connections are made at a rate of 100/sec.
CCU: 5000
- In: 2500 msgs/sec
- Out: 5000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 7%
CCU: 10000
- In: 5000 msgs/sec
- Out: 10000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 15%
CCU: 15000
- In: 7500 msgs/sec
- Out: 15000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 26%
CCU: 20000
- In: 10000 msgs/sec
- Out: 20000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 35%
CCU: 25000
- In: 12500 msgs/sec
- Out: 25000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 70%
CCU: 30000
- In: 15000 msgs/sec
- Out: 30000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 75%
Upon increasing the CCUs at this rate, the connections started to break.
Private Message Test Heavy
Each client connects to a zone. It then sends a private message for user with same name as itself. So each message sent will generate a response and notification back to the client. Each client sends 1 message every second and receives at a double rate (2 msg/sec).
New Connections are made at a rate of 100/sec.
CCU: 5000
- In: 5000 msgs/sec
- Out: 10000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 12%
CCU: 10000
- In: 10000 msgs/sec
- Out: 20000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 26%
CCU: 15000
- In: 15000 msgs/sec
- Out: 30000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 45%
CCU: 20000
- In: 20000 msgs/sec
- Out: 40000 msgs/sec
- CPU: 75%
Upon increasing the CCUs at this rate, the connections started to break.