

Java Client Listeners

   * Invoked in response to a connect request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onConnectDone (ConnectEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a disconnect request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onDisconnectDone (ConnectEvent event);
   * Invoked in response to a subscribeRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onSubscribeRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a UnSubscribeRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onUnSubscribeRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a joinRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onJoinRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a leaveRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onLeaveRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getLiveRoomInfo request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetLiveRoomInfoDone (LiveRoomInfoEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a setCustomRoomData request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onSetCustomRoomDataDone (LiveRoomInfoEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to add property to any room 
   */ public  void  onUpdatePropertyDone (LiveRoomInfoEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to lock property to any room 
   */ public  void  onLockPropertiesDone (byte result); 
   * Invoked in response to unlock property to any room 
   */ public  void  onUnlockPropertiesDone (byte result);
   * Invoked in response to a deleteRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onDeleteRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getAllRooms request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetAllRoomsDone (AllRoomsEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a createRoom request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onCreateRoomDone (RoomEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getOnlineUsers request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetOnlineUsersDone (AllUsersEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getLiveUserInfo request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetLiveUserInfoDone (LiveUserInfoEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a setCustomRoomData request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onSetCustomUserDataDone (LiveUserInfoEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getMatchMaking Rooms request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetMatchedRoomsDone (MatchedRoomsEvent event);
   * Invoked in response to a joinLobby request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onJoinLobbyDone (LobbyEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a leaveLobby request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onLeaveLobbyDone (LobbyEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a subscribeLobby request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onSubscribeLobbyDone (LobbyEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a UnSubscribeLobby request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onUnSubscribeLobbyDone (LobbyEvent event); 
   * Invoked in response to a getLiveLobbyInfo request. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onGetLiveLobbyInfoDone (LiveRoomInfoEvent event);
   * Result of SendUpdatePeers request. The result value maps to a WarpResponseResultCode 
   * @param result 
   */ public  void  onSendUpdateDone (byte result);
   * Result of sendChat request. The result value maps to a WarpResponseResultCode 
   * @param result 
   */ public  void  onSendChatDone (byte result); 
   * Invoked when a response for sendPrivateChat is received. Result of the  
   * operation is passed as an argument of value WarpResponseResultCode. 
   * @param result 
   */ public  void  onSendPrivateChatDone (byte result);
   * Invoked when a room is created. Lobby subscribers will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onRoomCreated (RoomData event); 
   * Invoked when a room is deleted. Lobby subscribers will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onRoomDestroyed (RoomData event); 
   * Invoked when a user leaves a room. Lobby and the concerned room subscribers  
   * will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   * @param username 
   */ public  void  onUserLeftRoom (RoomData event , String username); 
   * Invoked when a user joins a room. Lobby and the concerned room subscribers  
   * will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   * @param username 
   */ public  void  onUserJoinedRoom (RoomData event , String username); 

   * Invoked when a user leaves a lobby. Lobby subscribers will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   * @param username 
   */ public  void  onUserLeftLobby (LobbyData event , String username); 
   * Invoked when a user joins a lobby. Lobby subscribers will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   * @param username 
   */ public  void  onUserJoinedLobby (LobbyData event , String username);     
   * Invoked when a joined user sends a chat. Rooms subscribers will receive this. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onChatReceived (ChatEvent event); 
   * Invoked when a private chat is received from the given sender. 
   * @param sender 
   * @param message 
   */ public  void  onPrivateChatReceived (String sender , String message); 
   * Invoked when a updatePeers request is sent in one of the subscribed rooms. 
   * @param event 
   */ public  void  onUpdatePeersReceived (UpdateEvent event); 
   * Invoked when a user changes the properties of a subscribed room property.  
   * @param event 
   * @param username 
   * @param properties 
   * @param lockProperties 
   */ public  void  onUserChangeRoomProperty (RoomData event , String username , Hashtable < String , Object > properties , Hashtable < String , String > lockProperties); 
   * Invoked when a user's move is completed in a turn based room 
   * @param moveEvent 
   */ public  void  onMoveCompleted (MoveEvent moveEvent);

     * Invoked when a user's start game in a turn based room
    public void onGameStarted(String sender, String roomId, String nextTurn);
     * Invoked when a user's stop game in a turn based room
    public void onGameStopped(String sender, String roomId);
     * Invoked to indicate that a user has lost connectivity. Subscribers of the users location 
     * will receive this.
     * @param locid
     * @param isLobby
     * @param username
    public void onUserPaused(String locid, boolean isLobby, String username);
     * Invoked when a user's connectivity is restored. Subscribers of the users location 
     * will receive this.
     * @param locid
     * @param isLobby 
     * @param username
    public void onUserResumed(String locid, boolean isLobby, String username);
     * Invoked when a response from the server for SendMove request is received
     * @param result
     * @param desc 
    public void onSendMoveDone(byte result, String desc);
     * Invoked when a response from the server for StartGame request is received
     * @param result
     * @param desc 
    public void onStartGameDone(byte result, String desc);
     * Invoked when a response from the server for StopGame request is received
     * @param result
     * @param desc 
    public void onStopGameDone(byte result, String desc);
     * Invoked when a response from the server for GetMoveHistory request is received
     * @param result
     * @param moves 
    public void onGetMoveHistoryDone(byte result, MoveEvent[] moves);