C# Client APIs
- Initialize
- Connect
- setRecoveryAllowance
- RecoverConnection
- Disconnect
- GetConnectionState
- JoinLobby
- LeaveLobby
- SubscribeLobby
- UnSubscribeLobby
- JoinRoom
- JoinRoomWithNUser
- JoinRoomInRange
- GetRoomsInRange
- JoinRoomWithProperties
- startGame
- invokeZoneRPC
- CreateTurnRoom
- SendMove
- DeleteRoom
- SubscribeRoom
- UnSubscribeRoom
- SendChat
- SendPrivateChat
- SendUpdatePeers
- GetLiveRoomInfo
- GetLiveUserInfo
- GetLiveLobbyInfo
- SetCustomUserData
- SetCustomRoomData
- UpdateRoomProperties
- LeaveRoom
- stopGame
- invokeRoomRPC
- LockProperties
- UnlockProperties
- GetOnlineUsers
- GetRoomWithNUser
- GetRoomWithProperties
- GetAllRooms
- AddConnectionRequestListener
- AddRoomRequestListener
- AddZoneRequestListener
- AddLobbyRequestListener
- AddNotificationListener
- AddUpdateRequestListener
- AddChatRequestListener
- AddTurnBasedRoomRequestListener
- CreateRoom
- getMoveHistory
public static void Initialize(String appKey, String s2Address)
appKey - The Application key of the zone its created from the admin dashboard. s2Address - The IP address of the server where the AppWarp S2 zone is hosted.
public void setRecoveryAllowance(int maxRecoveryTime)
maxRecoveryTime - time - the time (in seconds) allowed to the client to recover from intermittent connection loss
Returns void
public void RecoverConnection()
public void Connect(String username, String authData)
username - name of the player
authData - custom data for validation by the zone adaptor on the server
Returns void
public void Disconnect()
public byte GetConnectionState()
public void JoinLobby()
public void LeaveLobby()
public void SubscribeLobby()
public void UnsubscribeLobby()
public void JoinRoom(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room to be joined
Returns void
public void JoinRoomInRange(int minUserCount, int maxUserCount, bool maxPreferred)
minUserCount - minimum users in the room
maxUserCount - maximum users in the room
maxPreferred - prefer joining a room with more users
Returns void
public void GetRoomsInRange(int minUserCount, int maxUserCount)
minUserCount - minimum users in the room
maxUserCount - maximum users in the room
Returns void
public void JoinRoomWithNUser(int userCount)
userCount- minimum number of users in room
Returns void
public void JoinRoomWithProperties(Dictionary<String, Object> tableProperties)
tableProperties- properties of the room to be joined
Returns void
public void LeaveRoom(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room to be left
Returns void
public void CreateRoom(String name, String owner, int maxUsers, Dictionary<String, Object> tableProperties)
name - name of the room owner - owner of the room (behavior and usage of this meta property is up to the developer) maxUsers - number of maximum users allowed in the room tableProperties - properties of room (can be null)
public void CreateTurnRoom(String name, String owner, int maxUsers, Dictionary<String, Object> tableProperties, int turnTime)
name - name of the room owner - owner of the room (behavior and usage of this meta property is up to the developer) maxUsers - number of maximum users allowed in the room tableProperties - properties of room (can be null) turnTime - the time (in seconds) allowed for a user to complete its turn and send a move.
public void sendMove(String moveData)
moveData - any meta data associated with the move
public void DeleteRoom(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room to be deleted
Returns void
public void SubscribeRoom(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room to be subscribed
public void UnSubscribeRoom(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room to be unsubscribed
Returns void
public void SendChat(String message)
message - message to be send
Returns void
public void sendPrivateChat(String username, String message)
username - recipient of the message
message - message to be send
Returns void
public void SendUpdatePeers(byte[] update)
update - byte array data to be sent
Returns void
public void GetLiveRoomInfo(String roomId)
roomId - Id of the room
Returns void
public void GetLiveUserInfo(String username)
username - user who's information is requested
Returns void
public void GetLiveLobbyInfo()
public void SetCustomUserData(String userName, String customData)
userName - user for whom custom data has to be update customData - custom data that will be set for the user
public void SetCustomRoomData(String roomId, String customRoomData)
roomId - Id of the room customRoomData - custom data that will be set for the room
public void UpdateRoomProperties(String roomID, Dictionary<String, Object> tableProperties, List<String> removeList)
roomId - Id of the room tableProperties- Properties of the room to be added or updated. removeList - List of properties to be removed.
public void LockProperties(Dictionary<String, Object> lockedProperties)
lockedProperties - dictionary of keys and their values to be locked for the user
public void UnlockProperties(List<String> properties)
properties - list of keys to be unlocked for the user
public void GetOnlineUsers()
public void GetAllRooms()
public void GetRoomWithNUser(int userCount)
userCount - No of user in room
Returns void
public void GetRoomWithProperties(Dictionary<String, Object> properties)
properties- Properties of the room to be matched
Returns void
public void AddConnectionRequestListener(ConnectionRequestListener listner)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddRoomRequestListener(RoomRequestListener listner)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddZoneRequestListener(ZoneRequestListener listner)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddLobbyRequestListener(LobbyRequestListener listner)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddNotificationListener(NotifyListener listner)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddUpdateRequestListener(UpdateRequestListener listener)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddChatRequestListener(ChatRequestListenerlistener listener)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void AddTurnBasedRoomRequestListener(TurnBasedRoomListener listener)
listener - listener object
Returns void
public void startGame()
public void stopGame()
public void getMoveHistory()
Returns void
public void invokeZoneRPC(string func, params object[] args)
func - name of the function to be invoked
args - arguments to be passed to the function
public void invokeRoomRPC(string roomId, string func, params object[] args)
roomId - roomId of the room adaptor
func - name of the function to be invoked
args - arguments to be passed to the function